A few days of rest…
Well, the band made it home safe and sound from the long journey up to Wainwright on the weekend. We had a great time and would like to send a big thank you to all in attendance and for those who couldn’t get tickets, hopefully we’ll be able to see you next time. We’ve got […]
Heading to Wainwright
The band will be having an early departure to Wainwright, AB tomorrow morning. It’s been a year or two since our last appearance there (for the Canadian Armed Forces) and it was a fantastic party! We’ve got every hope that tomorrow will be equally as fun. Not sure if there are any tickets left or […]
New website up and running!
Hello all and welcome to the official launch day of our new website! After many, many months in the planning and design today is definitely a big day. Please take your time and check things out. There’s everything from the things you want to know such as dates of upcoming shows to info about the […]
Upcoming Shows
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada