Important Covid-19 Performance Update And Other (Better) News
As we are all aware, the world is currently in a time of unprecedented uncertainty, one that we likely haven’t seen in our lifetime and hopefully never will again. Thus, Fraid Knot regretfully would like to state the obvious and officially announce the cancellations or postponements of upcoming future shows. To all of those who’ve reached out to us and asked about the possibility of a streaming live performance, we’d like to just say that the potential of a gathering to do such a project is extremely unlikely at the present time. The logistics just aren’t feasible at the moment and priorities have to be minimizing the risk to our families (but we do appreciate the interest!)
On a more positive musical note (pun intended), the group is currently preparing the recording of a brand new studio album AND a full length live recording which will likely be finished first due to the social distancing mandates in effect. The “Live” record will consist of 10 – 12 tracks taken from a show at the original location of the Atlantic Trap & Gill in Calgary, Alberta from likely 10 years ago or so. We’d located some long-forgotten tapes that we’d shrugged off at the time but after rediscovering the tracks and going through them we’ve decided it may be worthwhile to put a bit of effort in to clean them up as best we could. They were never meant to be released but we collectively felt it would be a great project for the sake of nostalgia. For those of you who came out back in the Trap’s heyday, there’s no explanation needed but for anyone who wasn’t fortunate enough to experience it for themselves, that room was magic. Sadly we didn’t have “room mic’s” to capture the ambiance of the crowd but the feedback from the audience will hopefully come across in the energy that we would’ve fed off in the performance. The new live CD will be our tip-of-the-hat to this great live music venue and the even greater people that came out.
Thanks for putting up with us for the past 20 years and hopefully another 20 more to come. Please be smart about keeping yourselves and everyone you come in contact with as safe as you possibly can so we can all get back to a bit of a normal life as soon as possible. Hope to see everyone soon!
The b’ys in Fraid Knot
Upcoming Shows
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada