Stampede shenanigans and post flooding follow up.
On the eve of the “Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth” we’re resting and getting ready to rip it up for the next 10 days or so as is the rest of the city for sure. In the days following the flood that we’ll talk about forever in this city, life is slowly beginning to return to normal for most of us. The damage and devastation that we endured really has to be seen to be appreciated. It’s amazing how much this disaster has caused the city to pull together – honestly. It seems like just yesterday that the Stampede Grounds were completely submerged but the hard work down there has paid off in spades. It’s business as usual tonight for “Sneak A Peak” and the full on grand opening tomorrow morning. Only a few events and concerts (unfortunately) have had to be cancelled due to the damage to the Saddledome but we’re told everything else will go on as scheduled. Crazy!
We were asked but sadly had to decline an invitation to play the Banded Peak Music Festival last weekend as the majority of the band were away on holidays with their families. It was a tough thing to pass on for everyone – we’ve done so many charity events and fundraisers over the years and to not be able to lend a hand to a cause that directly effected each and every one of us was definitely a disappointment. Fortunately we’ve been asked to participate in another event with proceeds going towards the disaster next Friday (July 12th) at the St. James Corner Stampede Tent. Ourselves and several other bands will be in attendance and we’re going to be helped on this show by Shawn Tulk and “Big” Jim Lewis of the Remittance Men. A huge thanks to these guys for lending a hand so try and make an appearance and show your support of this great cause.
This weekend and next we’ll be onstage at Donegal Irish Pub and a few other sporadic shows around the city. Check back for updates! Happy Stampede everyone!
Upcoming Shows
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada