New website up and running!
Hello all and welcome to the official launch day of our new website! After many, many months in the planning and design today is definitely a big day. Please take your time and check things out. There’s everything from the things you want to know such as dates of upcoming shows to info about the guys, video’s and music samples, etc. There’s also a player up in the top right hand corner that will allow you to stream through a few tracks off “A Pint O’ Trad” (our last release). There’s even some interesting insight into the songs including songwriters notes and general comments on the trad stuff that we’ve recorded if you feel like finding out the inside track. These can be found beside each song in the “Music and Video’s” page. PLEASE feel free to sign up for our mailing list. We promise not to spam you, sell your contact or harass you into the ground. Basically we’ll just be keeping people informed of larger events (such as album releases, bigger shows etc.) and we’ll be offering special pre-release info and potentially even some free downloads so please fill in your e-mail address in the space provided. If you have any questions or topic you’d like to see covered in this public space, feel free to email us at
Thanks for taking the time and hope you enjoy the new site!
Upcoming Shows
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada
James Joyce Irish Pub
Calgary, Alberta Canada